POWERVOTE Candidate Guide Links

Here’s some helpful information to find out who represents you and what your voting options are for this coming mid-term election on November 2nd. Please share with anyone else who may be interested.

Here is a list of all of the candidates and they’re current standing and results from the primary election.

Here is a link to the representatives for FIU- MMC Campus:

If you look at his detailed district map, the most north-east corner of FIU is in it:
(So I guess Rudy Garia represents a small piece of our University campus.)

You can search with you address and find out all the representatives for you house here:

or for a map view:

Then, just look at the first link to see who is running for that office.
I will update with more exact information later.

Please don’t forget to POWERVOTE!
Find me anywhere on campus to sign a pledge and register to vote in Miami-Dade county if you aren’t already.

I hope this is helpful,

Jessica Okaty

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